If you require an extension to your academic deadlines due to your circumstances you may be required to gather supporting evidence. You will need to submit an electronic request via the MyDetails link within your Student Hub and follow the prompts. If you are unsure how to do this you will need to see your tutor, School Office or the Students’ Union Advice Centre. You will be informed on completion of your request as to whether you are required to gather medical evidence.
If you require “a letter due to extenuating circumstances” due to a missed deadline (i.e. a request for an extension was not submitted or approved) or where you could not sit an exam or had to leave an exam due to illness you will need to see a GP and request evidence to support this. Please note fees may apply for any letter/evidence provided by your GP/health practitioner.
You may require a letter/evidence for a CAB (Course Assessment Board) Appeal. A CAB Appeal is needed when you wish to query the marks or degree classification you have received. You must follow the guidance offered to you by the University under this procedure. This procedure requires more robust medical evidence therefore you will need to book an appointment with a GP/health practitioner to discuss this further. Please note fees may apply for any letter/evidence provided by your GP/health practitioner.
If you are unsure which medical certificate you require please speak to the Reception staff, your tutor or the Students’ Union Advice Centre who will be able to help you further.
If you require a letter for Disability Services in order for support to be put in place for your studies, please speak to the Reception Team at the practice. This evidence can either be:-
A letter which confirms your diagnosis, confirms how long you have been or are likely to be affected by the disability or condition and the impact this has on your day to day life.
A disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) Disability Evidence Form which you can ask your GP or health practitioner to complete. The forms are available from this link http://media.slc.co.uk/sfe/nysf/sfe_dsa_disability_evidence_form.pdf or from the Wellbeing Disability Services Help Desk in Student Central.
This evidence can apply to a range of disabilities including medical conditions such as Diabetes or Epilepsy, specific learning difficulties such as AHDH, mental health issues physical or mobility disabilities, hearing impairments, visual impairments or social communication difficulties such as Autistic Spectrum.